Using SPI on the Vortex86

These DOS code examples were written and compile using Borland Turbo C++.
There is a download link for this compiler at

This should be read in conjunction with application note AP0100 ‘Using GPIO on the Vortex86’ and AP0102 ‘Accessing North Bridge and South Bridge registers on the Vortex86.

The Vortex86 has two SPI interfaces: internal and external. The internal SPI bus is integral to the Vortex86 chip and accesses the on-chip SPI flash. The external SPI bus is available for use by an application. By reading and writing to specific registers in the processor the Vortex86 will generate all the required signals to communicate with an SPI device.

Where the Vortex86 has been designed into an ICOP SystemOnModule the external SPI bus has been connected to an on-board SPI flash device. If this external SPI flash has been enabled as a disk drive in the BIOS then the SPI interface will not be available for application use.

This application note will explain how to connect an SPI SRAM device to a Vortex86 SystemOnModule and then give some example code to access the memory.

The SPI interface has four dedicated pins: Chip select, Clock, Serial data in and serial data out. Four of the Vortex 86 GPIO pins have been allocated to SPI.



It is important to note that the SPI_CS# pin will be wired to the chip select pin of the on-board flash device and so this signal cannot be used even if the on-board flash has been disabled. To overcome this it is a simple matter to use another GPIO pin for the chip select of the new device, this will be demonstrated in this example.

The chosen device for this example is a Microchip® 23K640 which is 64K serial SRAM. The pinout is shown below:-

diagram 1
diagram 1









The following table shows the connections between the Vortex86 and the SRAM device.

Vortex 86 Pin name SRAM pin name
GPIO_P2[0] CS#


For this example GPIO port 2 bit 0 has been allocated as the chip select pin but this can be any available GPIO signal.

Vortex86 SPI registers
There are 6 registers associated with the external SPI interface:-

IO Address Register Name
BA+08h External SPI output data register
BA+09h External SPI input data register
BA+0Ah External SPI control register
BA+0Bh External SPI status register
BA+0Ch External SPI chip select register
BA+0Dh External SPI error status register


BA is the Base Address which is a programmable address stored in another register located at NorthBridge PCI configuration address 40h.

Bit Description
31-4 SPI base address
03-Feb Reserved
1 Memory or IO space
0 SPI base address enabled when set.


Normally the Base address is set to FC08h. The following code example will allow this value to be computed rather than hard coded.

Example DOS program

#include <dos.h>
#include <stdio.h>

typedef unsigned char byte;

#define PCI_ADDRESS 0xcf8
#define PCI_DATA 0xcfc

#define PORT_2_DATA 0x7A
#define PORT_2_DIR  0x9A

// 32 bit operations
#define OPERAND32 asm db 66h

// prototypes
void outport32(unsigned long, unsigned long);
unsigned long inport32(unsigned long);


void main (void)

unsigned long SPI_reg_addr;

SPI_reg_addr=inport32(0x80000040) & 0x0000FFFFL;  // read address from BADDR
if ((SPI_reg_addr & 0x1)==0)
printf(“SPI not enabled\n\r”);

// show address type
if (SPI_reg_addr & 00000002L)
       printf(“Address in memory space\n\r”);
       printf(“Address in IO space\n\r”);

printf(“SPI reg Address = %04X\n\r”,SPI_reg_addr);

SPI_reg_addr &= 0x0000ffff0L;
SPI_reg_addr += 8; // for external SPI

printf(“Extern SPI base address = %04X\n\r”,SPI_reg_addr);

} // end of main


void outport32(unsigned long Address, unsigned long Data)
asm mov dx,PCI_ADDRESS
asm mov ax,Address
asm out dx,ax
asm mov dx,PCI_DATA
asm mov ax,Data
asm out dx,ax


unsigned long inport32(unsigned long Address)
long int Value;

asm mov dx,PCI_ADDRESS

asm mov ax,Address
asm out dx,ax
asm mov dx,PCI_DATA
asm in ax,dx
asm mov Value,ax
return Value;


The following tables detail the SPI registers:-

External SPI output data register – BASE_ADDR+08h

BIT Name Attribute Description
7-0 OUTDAT WO Write – Data output to SPI


External SPI input data register – BASE_ADDR+09h

BIT Name Attribute Description
7-0 INDAT R/W Write – Preload data from SPI
Read – Read data from register


External SPI control register – BASE_ADDR+0Ah – Reset value = 15h

BIT Name Attribute Description
07-May RSD RO Reserved
4 FIEN R/W FIFO mode enabled when set
3-0 CKDIV R/W SPI clock divider=DRAM CLK/(2 * CKDIV)


External SPI status register – BASE_ADDR+0Bh – Reset value = 10h

BIT Name Attribute Description
7 BUSY RO Set if controller busy
6 FIFU RO Set if FIFO full
5 IDR RO Set if input data ready
4 OCD RO Set if output complete / FIFO empty
3-0 RSVD RO Reserved


External SPI chip select register – BASE_ADDR+0Ch – Reset value = 01h

This register will not be used in this example as the chip select will use a GPIO pin rather than the dedicated SPI_CS# controlled by this register.

BIT Name Attribute Description
07-Jan RSVD RO Reserved
0 CS R/W 0:CS# low 1:CS# high


External SPI error status register – BASE_ADDR+0dh – Reset value = 00h

BIT Name Attribute Description
07-May RSVD RO Reserved
4 WCTE R/WC A write attempted to external SPI control
register when controller was busy.
Write ‘1’ to clear
3 DOLE R/WC Input data overlap
Write ‘1’ to clear
2 FIURE R/WC FIFO under-run
Write ‘1’ to clear
1 FIORE R/WC FIFO over-run
Write ‘1’ to clear
0 RSVD RO Reserved


23K640 SRAM device SPI commands:-

For simplicity this example will simply read and write a single byte in SRAM at location zero.

Write sequence:
– chip select low
– send write instruction – 02h
– send 16-bit address msb,lsb
– send data
– chip select high to terminate the operation

Read sequence:
– chip select low
– send read instruction – 03h
– send 16-bit address msb,lsb
– receive data
– chip select high to terminate the operation

To write a byte to the SPI the function simply needs to perform an IO write to the External SPI output data register. Before continuting the function needs to read the External SPI status register and wait until the interface is not busy and the ‘output complete bit’ is set.

To read a byte from the SPI the function needs to perform an IO write with any value to the External SPI input data register which causes the SPI to preload the register with data from the SPI device. The function needs to read the External SPI status register and wait until the interface is not busy and the ‘input data ready’ bit is set, then the data can be read back from the External SPI input data register.

Full source code

#include <dos.h>
#include <stdio.h>

typedef unsigned char byte;

#define PCI_ADDRESS 0xcf8
#define PCI_DATA 0xcfc

#define PORT_2_DATA 0x7A
#define PORT_2_DIR  0x9A

// 32 bit operations
#define OPERAND32 asm db 66h

// prototypes
void outport32 (unsigned long, unsigned long);
unsigned long inport32(unsigned long);
void write_sram(int, byte);
byte read_sram(int);
void wait_SPI_output_complete(void);
void wait_SPI_data_ready(void);

// global variables
unsigned long SPI_reg_addr;

void main (void)
byte SRAM_Data;
unsigned long Value;
int sb_val;

SPI_reg_addr=inport32(0x80000040) & 0x0000FFFFL;  // read address from BADDR
if ((SPI_reg_addr & 0x1)==0)
printf(“SPI not enabled\n\r”);

// show address type
if (SPI_reg_addr & 00000002L)
printf(“Address in memory space\n\r”);
printf(“Address in IO space\n\r”);

printf(“SPI reg Address = %04X\n\r”,SPI_reg_addr);

SPI_reg_addr &= 0x0000ffff0L;
SPI_reg_addr += 8; // for external SPI

printf(“Extern SPI base address = %04X\n\r”,SPI_reg_addr);

printf(“GPIO setting = %X\n\r”,Value);
outport32(0x800038c0,Value | 0x00000001L);

printf(“SPI status reg = %X\n\r”,Value);

// set up the chip select on GPIO 2 pin 1
outportb(PORT_2_DIR,0x1); // bit 0 is output

printf(“Data read = %x\n\r”,read_sram(0));

printf(“Data read = %x\n\r”,read_sram(0));
} // end of main

// Functions

void write_sram(int Address,byte Data)
byte msb, lsb, tmp;

// split the address into 2 bytes
lsb = Address & 0xff;
Address = Address >> 8;
msb = Address & 0xff;

outportb(PORT_2_DATA,0);  // cs low

outportb(SPI_reg_addr,0x02);      // issue write instruction

outportb(SPI_reg_addr,msb);      // address_msb

outportb(SPI_reg_addr,lsb);      // address_lsb

outportb(SPI_reg_addr,Data);     // data to write

outportb(PORT_2_DATA,1); // cs high



byte read_sram(int Address)
byte msb, lsb,  Data;

// split the address into 2 bytes
lsb = Address & 0xff;
Address = Address >> 8;
msb = Address & 0xff;

outportb(PORT_2_DATA,0);  // cs low

outportb(SPI_reg_addr,0x03);      // issue read instruction

outportb(SPI_reg_addr,msb);      // address_msb

outportb(SPI_reg_addr,lsb);      // address_lsb

outportb(SPI_reg_addr+1,0×00); // preload data from SPI

Data=inportb(SPI_reg_addr+1);     // read in data

outportb(PORT_2_DATA,1); // cs high

return Data;


void wait_SPI_output_complete(void)
byte Value,Busy,Complete;
while (1)
Value = inportb(SPI_reg_addr+3);
Busy = Value & 0x80;
Complete = Value & 0x10;
if (Complete==0x10 && Busy==0) return;


void wait_SPI_data_ready(void)
// reads the stsatus register, ANDs the result with the mask and teturns 1 or zero
// bits 0-3 reserved
// bit 4 = output complete/FIFO empty when set
// bit 5 = input data ready when set.
// bit 6 = FIFO full
// bit 7 = Busy
byte Value,Busy,InputReady;
while (1)
Value = inportb(SPI_reg_addr+3);
Busy = Value & 0x80;
InputReady = Value & 0x20;
if (InputReady==0x20 && Busy==0) return;


void outport32(unsigned long Address, unsigned long Data)
asm mov dx,PCI_ADDRESS
asm mov ax,Address
asm out dx,ax
asm mov dx,PCI_DATA
asm mov ax,Data
asm out dx,ax


unsigned long inport32(unsigned long Address)
long int Value;

asm mov dx,PCI_ADDRESS
asm mov ax,Address
asm out dx,ax
asm mov dx,PCI_DATA
asm in ax,dx
asm mov Value,ax
return Value;



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Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that this document is correct; errors can occur. If you find any errors or omissions please let us know so that we can put them right.